Coperniq 101
"The customer's perception is our reality"
Solar can be a complicated process for homeowners. Every project is different, but most of the steps are the same. Our job in the Customer Service team is to educate homeowners and put them at ease, handle their complaints and concerns, and provide them with guidance on the process of solar as well as after their system is installed. Lastly, once we’ve done our jobs, we should be getting 5-Star reviews to show our customers and the world how great of a job we are doing!

Customer Service Pillars of Success
Outbound Calling
Outbound calls are essential for confirming site visits, guiding homeowners through their next steps, requesting document signatures, securing 5-star reviews, and more. The key to a successful call is to “Dial with a Smile,” know the ins and outs of solar and the homeowner’s project, and stick to the script. By following these tips, you’ll avoid long, drawn-out conversations and make each call efficient and effective. Every call is unique, but we’ve provided scripts and communication templates to make your outbound calls smoother and more straightforward.
Dial w/ a Smile
Tonality is key in customer communication. If you sound dry and unenergetic, the customer will likely respond the same way. Solar is exciting, but with so many steps, homeowners might need a reason to share that excitement—and that reason is YOU! Smiling not only boosts your own mood but also shows the homeowner that you’re genuinely happy to help them.
Be the Expert
As you learned in Solar 101, the solar process involves many steps. Now that you’re familiar with them, it’s important to ensure the homeowner is, too. Be an expert not only in the solar journey but also in using our CRM (Coperniq) and monitoring platforms (Enphase & SolarEdge) to track each project’s status. This builds customer confidence and ensures a positive experience at every touchpoint. We’ve been in business for over 6 years, so understanding the other CRMs and software we’ve used in the past (like Hubspot, Site Capture, SharePoint, etc.) will be valuable as you grow with Tron Solar.
'Stick to the Script'
Our scripts and text/email templates make outbound calls straightforward and efficient. It’s essential to use these scripts to get comfortable with making calls quickly and effectively. It’s easy to spend 10 minutes on a call that should only take 2-3 minutes, which can add up and make it challenging to complete all your calls. Occasionally, you’ll need to make calls that aren’t covered by our scripts and templates. When that happens, apply the same principles, and you’ll handle every call like a pro.
Customer Service Call Scripts
Welcome Call
Hello (Customer Name), (Rep Name) at Tron Solar here, how are you?
I’m just calling to welcome you to the Tron family. Also, to let you know that your site survey has been scheduled for (Date/ Time), does this work for you?
Great! Just so you know what to expect we will be taking a look at the main service electrical panel in the home and your attic. We also will be taking measurements of your roof and electric meter. This information gets submitted to our engineering team to ensure your roof qualifies and to check if there is any additional electric work for your project so we can tell you in advance and there are no surprises at installation. Okay?
IF ILLINOIS – Upon completion of your project, you will be enrolled into ‘Supply Only Net Metering’ to ensure your exported energy is credited properly.
IF THEY HAVE FURTHER QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS – For any questions regarding net metering we recommend you check with your utility company for all details.
– Ameren –
– ComEd –
Just for my records, do you have ComEd or Ameren?
– If ComED – Okay great!
– If Ameren – Okay great! Upon signing your Final Design, Ameren will be reaching out regarding your interconnection application and may also send a Docusign email from PowerClerk. Please be on the lookout for this as prompt signature will help keep your project moving along.
Please save this number, 224-551-1366, as it is the direct line to Tron Customer Service. Feel free to reach out throughout the course of your project with any questions and we will be contacting you from this number as well to confirm important details for your project.
Lastly, we will be communicating throughout the course of your project via automated text and email, so please be on the lookout for those. Just so I can put it in my notes, do you have an HOA or Homeowner’s Association?
Okay, so once again, your site survey has been scheduled for (Date/ TIme). Do you have any other questions for me at this time?
Okay great, well have a nice day and we look forward to seeing you on (Date)!
*At the conclusion of the call, be sure to send a quick text to the homeowner so there is a trail of communication.
Text Example: Thank you for confirming your site survey for (Date/Time).
Welcome Call Voicemail & Text
Hello (Customer Name), (Rep Name) at Tron Solar here.
I’m just calling to welcome you to the Tron family. Also, to let you know that your site survey has been scheduled for (Date/ Time). Please have someone over the age of 18 home as we need to access your attic and main service panel. We also will be taking measurements of your roof, and we will get all of this info over to our engineering team to ensure your roof qualifies and to check if there is any additional electric work for your project so we can tell you in advance and there are no surprises at installation.
IF ILLINOIS – Upon completion of your project, you will be enrolled into ‘Supply Only Net Metering’ to ensure your exported energy is credited properly.
IF THEY HAVE FURTHER QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS – For any questions regarding net metering we recommend you check with your utility company for all details.
– Ameren –
– ComEd –
Please save this number, 224-551-1366, as it is the direct line to Tron Customer Service. Feel free to reach out throughout the course of your project with any questions and we will be contacting you from this number as well to confirm important details for your project.
Lastly, we will be communicating throughout the course of your project via automated text and email, so please be on the lookout for those. At your earliest convenience, please let us know if you have an HOA (Homeowner’s Association) and if the site survey for (DATE/ TIME) works for you.
*At the conclusion of the voicemail, be sure to send a text recap as well so there is a trail of communication.
Meter Upgrade Text/ Call
Hello _____, (Tron Representative Name) with Tron Solar here. I’m just calling to notify you that we are scheduled for a meter upgrade on (DATE/ TIME), with arrival between (TIME). We do need someone over the age of 18 home for us to gain access to the home and we will also be shutting off the power in order to get this done. The power shut-off is typically for 4-5 hours, just to make you aware.
Does (DATE/TIME) work for you?
*At the conclusion of the call, be sure to send a quick text to the homeowner so there is a trail of communication.
Text Example: Thank you for confirming your site survey for (Date/Time).
Installation Confirmation Call
Hi ______, this is (Tron Rep) with Tron Solar. I’m reaching out to let you know that we have received all the required permits and approvals needed to get your installation underway! We currently have it scheduled for (DATE/ TIME). Would that work for you?
Yes – Great! I’ll go ahead and confirm that. To set your expectations, we typically arrive between 7 and 9 AM. It looks like your project will be a (# of Days) day job and we should be complete by early afternoon. Did you have any questions for me? Okay great then we will see you on (DATE/ TIME), have a great day.
No – Okay, out of curiosity is there anyone that would be available to be at your home despite you not being there?
*If No – Okay no worries. I will be in touch once we have a new date scheduled. Just so I’m aware, are there any dates that would work best for you? Okay I will see what I can do and let you know as soon as possible. Have a great day!
Installation Confirmation Voicemail/ Text
Hi ______, this is (Rep Name) with Tron Solar. I’m reaching out to let you know that we have received all the required documents and approvals needed to get your installation underway! Usually, we are roughly 2-3 weeks out with scheduling, however we had a last minute opening and you were on the top of our list! We’re hoping that we can complete the installation for (DATE/ TIME). We do need inside access so please let me know if that works for you at your earliest convenience.
Inspection Confirmation Text/ Call
Hi, _______. This is (Representative Name) with Tron Solar. We heard back from your jurisdiction and we’ve scheduled your solar inspection for (DATE/ TIME).
We just wanted to confirm with you, does that work?
Yes – Okay awesome I’ll confirm that for you. Once the Inspection is passed, the final step is getting approval from your utility company to turn your system on, and then you’ll be up and running and able to monitor your system. In the meantime, was there anything else I could assist you with?
No – Okay, out of curiosity do you have a family member or neighbor that you’d trust to be in your home to give us access?
*If no – Okay I understand. We will work to get this rescheduled with your jurisdiction. Just so we’re aware, are there any days that typically work best for your schedule?
Okay great, thank you for those. We will be in touch as soon as we have it back on the calendar.
Confirmed Appointment Text
Thank you for confirming your (APPOINTMENT TYPE) on (DAY), (DATE), with arrival between (TIME/TIME).
Example: “Thank you for confirming your Site Survey on Friday, September 20th, with arrival between 7 & 9 AM.”
PTO Call
Hey (Customer Name), (Rep Name) with Tron Solar here. You probably saw our email or automated text message, but after signing your commissioning documents your system is fully up and running. We like to remind you to allow 2 billing cycles for your utility company to catch up on the production credits. As you know, they are charging you for energy you’ve already used, so it does take a bill or two before you begin to see your production credits. Make sense?
You should’ve received a link to monitor your system to your email, but I’m actually going to resend that link just to make sure you have it. (*Send Link*) As you know you have a full warranty on your equipment. However, we can’t do warranty work without knowing there’s a problem. Although we do our best to check on our systems, as a family owned business with thousands of systems to manage, and due to the investment you’ve made on your home and energy, we strongly urge you to monitor your own system as well.
Checking in on the Enphase app for just a couple minutes a day, just like checking your email, can alert you of any issues immediately, so you can call us and create a warranty service ticket. From there, we can typically get out to you within 5 to 10 business days to take a look. Sound good?
As a member of Customer Service I would really appreciate feedback to improve our organization and team. How was your experience going solar with Tron? *Address concerns, reaffirm the positive aspects of their experience. If overall bad experience, re-direct to the service you’ve provided along the way*
I’m glad you had a good experience / I’m glad I could be of help
If it’s not too much to ask, may I send you a link for you to leave us a Google Review? I see we were able to take your project from Site Survey on (SS Date) to PTO in (# of Days), which is very hard to do in (HO State). Our boss is having a competition and whenever we can get a 5-Star Review on projects that’ve been completed as quickly as yours, we get a small bonus. Would you be able to take just a moment of your time to share a bit about your experience with us? Okay great, I’ll send that to you now.
Is there anything else that I can help you with today?
Great! Congratulations again on completing your solar journey. Although your journey is complete, our service to you does not end here. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns in the future.
If you could please leave a 5 Star Review on Google, it is greatly appreciated. Feel free to reach out to me at (800)484-8766 or respond to this text with any questions in the future. Thank you for being a part in collecting sunshine and making this earth a better place.
PTO Voicemail
Hey (Customer Name), (Rep Name) with Tron Solar here. You probably saw our email or automated text message, but after signing your commissioning documents your system is fully up and running. We like to remind you to allow 2 billing cycles for your utility company to catch up on the production credits. As you know, they are charging you for energy you’ve already used, so it does take a bill or two before you begin to see your production credits.
You should’ve received a link to monitor your system to your email, but I’m actually going to resend that link just to make sure you have it. (*Send Link*) As you know you have a full warranty on your equipment. However, we can’t do warranty work without knowing there’s a problem. Although we do our best to check on our systems, as a family owned business with thousands of systems to manage, and due to the investment you’ve made on your home and energy, we strongly urge you to monitor your own system as well.
Checking in on the Enphase app for just a couple minutes a day, just like checking your email, can alert you of any issues immediately, so you can call us and create a warranty service ticket. From there, we can typically get out to you within 5 to 10 business days to take a look if needed.
As a member of Customer Service I would really appreciate feedback to improve our organization and team, feel free to reach back out to us with the things you enjoyed and areas of improvement, as it all makes us better.
Assuming you are satisfied with your experience, we’d appreciate you taking a moment to leave a 5-Star Review. Upon a project’s swift completion, when we can collect a 5-Star Review it makes our Operations Team eligible for a small bonus; and as you know, every little bit helps.
I’ll send that link you along with a recap of this information in a text.
Congratulations again on completing your solar journey. Although your journey is complete, our service to you does not end here. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns in the future by reaching out to us at this number or to (800)484-8766. Thank you for being a part in collecting sunshine and making this earth a better place!
PTO Call w Manual Turn On
Hey (Customer Name), (Rep Name) with Tron Solar here. After signing your commissioning documents we have received Permission to Operate your system. Typically we can schedule a date to come out to manually turn your system on, but the fastest way to do so is to walk you through a couple quick steps to get it up and running. Are you home by chance?
If no – When do you typically get home? Please give me a call as soon as possible so we can get your system producing energy.
If yes – Great! Please head outside to your equipment and let me know once you’re there. You should see a square box with rounded corners that says “Enphase” on it, do you see that? Great, please open it up. (It opens from the right side of the box)
Now that the box is open, do you see the circuit breakers located inside? Please verify that they are all in the ‘ON’ position.
Now that those are all on, please close the box.
Now you should see another rectangular box that has a knife handle switch on it. Do you see it? Great! Please flip that handle up to the ‘ON’ position.
Congratulations! Your system has now been turned on!
Before I let you go, I have a little bit of ‘Need-to-Know’ information for you. We like to remind you to allow 2 billing cycles for your utility company to catch up on the production credits. As you know, they are charging you for energy you’ve already used, so it does take a bill or two before you begin to see your production credits. Make sense?
You should’ve received a link to monitor your system to your email, but I’m actually going to resend that link just to make sure you have it. (*Send Link*) Although we do our best to check on our systems, we have thousands of systems to manage and due to the investment you’ve made on your home and energy, we strongly urge you to monitor your own system as well.
Checking in on the Enphase app for just a few minutes a day can alert you of any issues immediately, so you can call us and create a warranty service ticket. From there, we can typically get out to you within 5 to 10 business days to take a look. Sound good?
As the Manager of Customer Service I would really appreciate feedback to improve our team of exceptional individuals. How was your experience going solar with Tron? *Address concerns, reaffirm the positive aspects of their experience. If overall bad experience, re-direct to the service you’ve provided along the way*
I’m glad you had a good experience. / I’m glad I could be of help
If it’s not too much to ask, may I send you a link for you to leave us a Google Review? I see we were able to take your project from Site Survey on (SS Date) to PTO in (# of Days), which is very hard to do in (HO State). Our boss is having a competition and whenever we can get a 5-Star Review on projects that’ve been completed as quickly as yours we get a small bonus. Would you be able to take just a moment of your time to share a bit about your experience with us? Okay great, I’ll send that to you now.
Is there anything else that I can help you with today?
*End call with close out question “Is there anything else I can assist you with? Okay great well have a great day!”
If you could please leave a 5 Star Review on Google, it is greatly appreciated. Feel free to reach out to me at (800)484-8766 or respond to this text with any questions in the future. Thank you for being a part in collecting sunshine and making this earth a better place.
PTO Text
Hey (Customer Name), (Rep Name) with Tron Solar here. After signing your commissioning documents your system is fully up and running. We like to remind you to allow 2 billing cycles for your utility company to catch up on the production credits. As you know, they are charging you for energy you’ve already used, so it does take a bill or two before you begin to see your production credits.
You should’ve received a link to monitor your system to your email, but I just resent that link just to make sure you have it. Although we do our best to check on our systems, we have thousands of systems to manage and due to the investment you’ve made on your home and energy, we strongly urge you to monitor your own system as well.
As the Manager of Customer Service I would really appreciate feedback to improve our organization and team of exceptional individuals. Feel free to call or respond to this text to give us insight on your experience and the things that stand out. Moving forward, we are also here for any of your questions.
Assuming that you are satisfied with your experience, we kindly ask that you leave a 5-Star Review on Google. Please find the link in the text to follow:
Feel free to reach out to me at (800)484-8766 or respond to this text with any questions in the future.
Thank you for being a part in collecting sunshine and making this earth a better place!
PTO Email
Hi ______,
Thank you for trusting Tron with your solar journey and we are excited to bring your project to completion. We appreciate you taking a moment to leave us a review on our service and your experience.
Warm regards,
*Tron Representative
O&M Visit/ Service Ticket Confirmation Call ( Homeowner Must be Present)
Hi ______, this is (Rep Name) with Tron Solar. I’m just touching base to let you know that we have a site visit scheduled for (DATE/TIME) for a service ticket regarding (SERVICE TICKET REASON). Our techs will arrive between (TIME/TIME) and they do need access to the home in order to complete the work. Would anyone be available?
O&M Visit/ Service Ticket Confirmation Text (Homeowner Must be Present)
Hi ______, this is (Rep Name) with Tron Solar. I’m just touching base to let you know that we have a site visit scheduled for (DATE/TIME) for a service ticket regarding (SERVICE TICKET REASON). Our techs will arrive between (TIME/TIME) and they do need access to the home in order to complete the work. Would anyone be available?
O&M/ Service Ticket Visit Confirmation Text (Homeowner Isn't Needed)
Hi ______, this is (Rep Name) with Tron Solar. I’m just touching base to let you know that we have a site visit scheduled for (DATE/TIME) for a service ticket regarding (SERVICE TICKET REASON). There is no need for you to be home, just sending you a courtesy update to let you know.
Installation Satisfaction Follow-Up Call
Hi ________, this is (Tron Rep) with Tron Solar. Having been in business for 5+ years, a big reason for our growth and sustainability is our feedback from customers. I’m showing your system was installed yesterday and I’d love to know how it went.
How was your installation experience overall?
How was your interaction with the guys?
Did one of the installers walk you through your system and provide you with an Install Packet?
Did they go over the Next Steps for your system?
Are there any areas you feel we could improve on?
We really appreciate that feedback and I’ll be sure to pass on the compliments to the team. While I have you, if it’s not too much to ask, could I send you over a link to leave a Google review? I see we were able to take your project from Site Survey on (SS Date) to Installation in (# of Days), which is very hard to do in (HO State). Our boss is having a competition and whenever we can get a 5-Star Review on projects that we’ve completed as quickly as yours we get a small bonus. Would you be able to take just a moment of your time to share a bit about your experience with us? Okay great, I’ll send that to you now. One moment just so I can make sure you received it.
RMA Conclusion Text
Hi ______, (Tron Rep) with Tron Solar here. Just letting you know everything went well with your replacement inverter last week, and our tech tested everything to make sure it was producing before his departure.
I also recently swapped the equipment in the Monitoring App and it should take effect in the next 24-48 Hrs. If you see any issues moving forward please don’t hesitate to let us know.
5-Star Review Call
SunRun Installations
Hi ______, (Tron Rep) with Tron Solar here, the solar installers with SunRun. Part of our customer satisfaction process is to check in on how our installation crews are doing. It looks like we installed your solar system on (Date) and I wanted to get some feedback. How was your experience? How long did it take? Did they clean up the job site upon completion? Would you say you are satisfied with the installation?
Wonderful! I’m glad that you had a good experience with Tron Solar. If it’s not too much to ask, would I be able to send you a quick Google Review?
Great! Let me make sure you get it while I have you on the phone *send link*
Whenever our installers do a good job and we can collect a 5-Star Review, it makes them eligible for small bonuses which can go a long way for our field guys, so they thank you.
If there’s anything else we can do for you in the future please don’t hesitate to let us know.
SunRun Installation Voicemail
Hi _____, (Tron Rep) with Tron Solar here, the solar installers with SunRun. We are just calling to conduct a quick quality survey with you and see how your installation with us went. Feedback is greatly appreciated, so please give us a call at your earliest convenience at (224)551-1366.
Thank you and hope you have a great day.
PRO TIPS When Making Outbound Calls
Staying focused and on task. There are always calls to be made, and although Tron can be a fun place to work; it’s also easy to get distracted. The key is to make the tedious calls as quickly as possible so you have time to answer Inbound Calls, manage systems, and get 5-Star reviews!
Use texts to confirm all conversations. Sending a text after each phone call may sound like a waste of time, but it’s worth not having the headache of trying to remember everything you’ve talked about. When you confirm an appointment with a homeowner, many times they forget. This can cause headaches for us, make you question if you actually confirmed it, and sometimes, create conflict with a customer when they say we never told them. An easy way to prevent these issues and give a homeowner something to reference is to use the text templates above, as well as other brief texts to recap and document a conversation.
Be informative! This is a great way to take an outbound call to the next level! When a homeowner confirms an appointment, be the Solar Professional that you are and inform them on what they can expect, make them aware of anything that may inconvenience them (such as the power being out for a Meter Upgrade or of noise during an installation), as well as what the next steps will be for them and their project. Remember, over communication is better than less communication!
Confirm everything 1-1.5 weeks in advance. Although things can change on the calendar when looking too far out, to help keep operations running smoothly we must be sure to confirm all service tickets, site surveys, inspections, installations, and other appointments that have been scheduled 1-1.5 weeks out from the present date. This will keep your outbound call volume per day to a minimum (preventing you from having to confirm multiple days at once) and allow for time to take inbound calls and handle other customer service duties.
10 Common Inbound Calls Scripts
System not reporting/ not producing
1) Ask for the homeowner’s first and last name
2) Look up the homeowner’s name in Enphase Enlighten or SolarEdge Monitoring
3) Confirm that there is an alert or issue shown for their system
4) Let homeowner know a little bit about their problem and that you are putting in a High Priority ticket free-of-charge [Positive Reinforcement when discussing their issue]
5) Create a Coperniq project in O&M workflow -or- a Service Ticket for Active Projects
6) Let homeowner know the next steps Tron will take to resolve their issue
– Remote troubleshooting (if applicable)
– Scheduling a service visit once the Field Manager schedules the work
7) Let homeowner know we will be in touch once there is a date for the service visit
8) End call with close out question “Is there anything else I can assist you with?” Okay, well thank you for calling and have a great day!”
9) Upon conclusion of the call, write down the homeowner name on the ‘Customer Complaint Log’ to keep track of the ticket’s issue
Homeowner signed contract and is checking in on the status of their project
1) Ask for the homeowner’s first and last name.
2) Look up the homeowner in Coperniq and locate their project file.
3) Check the stage of where the project is and educate the homeowner on what has been accomplished so far, where the project stands, and what the next steps are.
4) Answer any remaining questions the homeowner might have
5) End call with close out question “Is there anything else I can assist you with?” Okay, well thank you for calling and have a great day!”
Roof Leak
1) Ask for the homeowner’s first and last name
2) Look up the homeowner’s name in Coperniq and confirm that they are one of our homeowners.
3) Gather some information about their roof leak. [How did they discover the leak? How long has it been leaking?
4) Get a better idea about details on their project. [When was it installed? Have they had issues in the past?]
5) Apologize for the inconvenience and let them know that you are putting in a High Priority ticket free-of-charge
6) Create a Coperniq project in O&M workflow -or- a Service Ticket for Active Projects
7) Let homeowner know we will be in touch once there is a date for the service visit
8) End call with close out question “Is there anything else I can assist you with? Okay, well thank you for calling and have a great day!”
Selling their home and want to know the steps to transfer the system over to the new homeowner
1) Ask for the homeowner’s first and last name
2) Look up the homeowner’s name in Coperniq and confirm that they are one of our homeowners.
3) Instruct them on the steps to transfer ownership of their system (listed below)
A) The new homeowners should call us at (800)486-8766 so we can get the new homeowner’s name and contact information. (They must have the original homeowner’s name for us to be able to look up the system.
– We will take this information and change all necessary ownership documentation through the inverter monitoring system and any state related monitoring programs, if applicable.
B) The new homeowners should also call us at (800)486-8766 with their utility account number upon receiving their first bill in the new home, or by calling their utility company upon setting up their account to get their account number.
– We will submit an invoice to the new homeowner for interconnection of their system. (This step ensures the production credits for the system are attributed to their utility bill) The cost for us to do so is $565.
– Upon payment of the invoice, we will submit the required interconnection documents to their utility company and work with the utility to get the system’s production credited to the new homeowner’s utility account.
C) All existing warranties will automatically be transferred to the new homeowner at the completion of these steps, as the warranties are tied to the system. (For further warranty information please review the applicable contracts, or call (800)486-8766 for more information)
4) Let the homeowners know that you will send these steps over to their email address, confirm that we have the correct email on file.
5) End call with close out question “Is there anything else I can assist you with? Okay, well thank you for calling and have a great day!”
Looking for access to monitor their system
1) Ask for the homeowner’s first and last name.
2) Look up the homeowner’s name in Coperniq and verify they are one of our homeowners
3) *If a new project* verify that they have been installed and granted PTO. If so, verify their email that is in Enphase Enlighten and send them the access link.
4) *If an older project* ask them which email they want associated with the account and verify their inverter type.
– If the same email, resend access link
– If a different email, replace old email with the new one and send out access link.
5) End call with close out question “Is there anything else I can assist you with? Okay great. Well thank you for calling and have a great day!”
Received a high electric bill even though they have solar
1) Ask for the homeowner’s first and last name
2) Look up the homeowner’s name in Coperniq and confirm that they are one of our homeowners.
3) Ask the homeowner if they have Solar Edge or Enphase
4) Look up the homeowner’s name on the associated monitoring platform (SolarEdge or Enphase) and confirm that you found their system
5) Analyze the system by checking all devices and looking for any alerts/ errors
6) If there is an issue Inform the homeowner what’s going on with their system and let them know you’ll be putting in a High-Priority Ticket at no cost to them
7) Create a Coperniq project in O&M workflow -or- a Service Ticket for Active Projects
8) Let homeowner know that we will first try to troubleshoot the problem with SolarEdge/ Enphase. If we can’t find a remote solution we will be in touch with them about a date to schedule a site visit to further investigate the issue.
9) Let the homeowner know that you will be in touch as soon as you have an update
10) End call with close out question “Is there anything else I can assist you with? Okay, well thank you for calling and have a great day!”
1) Verify who their finance company is, or if they paid cash for their system.
– *If Sunnova* Let them know they have a production guarantee that protects them in the case their system doesn’t produce the guaranteed amount of energy. The guarantee is paid out every 36 months. If their system hasn’t produced the guaranteed amount in that time, they will receive a check or credit for the amount of energy not produced.
– *If not Sunnova* Educate them that they do have a full warranty, however it does not cover electric bills. The warranty does, however, cover the service visits and work needed on the system, and when required, free replacement of their equipment assuming it is an equipment issue. The only exception to this rule is if the issue was caused due to an incorrect installation of the system, in which case we will always stand by our work.
Had a major storm and want to make sure there was no damage to their system
1) Ask for the homeowner’s first and last name
2) Look up the homeowner’s name in Coperniq and confirm that they are one of our homeowners.
3) Ask the homeowner if they have Solar Edge or Enphase
4) Look up the homeowner’s name on the associated monitoring platform (SolarEdge or Enphase) and confirm that you found their system
5) Analyze the system by checking all devices and looking for any alerts/ errors
6) If there is an issue, Inform the homeowner what’s going on with their system
7) Ask the homeowner if they have other damage to their roof, siding, gutters, or other areas of their home/ property
8) If yes, inform them that our Restoration Division specializes insurance claims and can work with them on a claim to get the damages covered
9) If no, inform them that any acts of God are not covered under warranty, but they can claim the damage on a claim with their homeowner’s insurance company.
10) Let them know that you will have a quote created for them and will submit that quote to their email once it’s been generated. The quote can be paid by insurance once they approve the claim.
11) End call with close out question “Is there anything else I can assist you with? Okay, well thank you for calling and feel free to reach out with any questions. Have a great day!”
Their system has visible damage due to a storm
1) Ask for the homeowner’s first and last name
2) Look up the homeowner’s name in Coperniq and confirm that they are one of our homeowners.
3) Ask the homeowner if they have Solar Edge or Enphase
4) Look up the homeowner’s name on the associated monitoring platform (SolarEdge or Enphase) and confirm that you found their system
5) Analyze the system by checking all devices and looking for any alerts/ errors
6) If there is an issue, inform the homeowner that the visible damage is also effecting the system’s operation and explain to them a little more about the problem.
7) If there is no issue, inform them that although they may see some damage it is not effecting the production of their system. Let them know they don’t have to file an insurance claim unless that’s what they want to due, but damage from Acts of God are not covered under warranty.
8) Ask the homeowner if they have other damage to their roof, siding, gutters, or other areas of their home/ property
9) If yes, inform them that our Restoration Division specializes insurance claims and can work with them on a claim to get the damages covered
10) If no, inform them that any acts of God are not covered under warranty, but they can claim the damage on a claim with their homeowner’s insurance company.
11) Let them know that you will have a quote created for them and will submit that quote to their email once it’s been generated. The quote can be paid by insurance once they approve the claim.
12) End call with close out question “Is there anything else I can assist you with? Okay, well thank you for calling and feel free to reach out with any questions. Have a great day!”
The homeowner noticed an issue with their system in the Monitoring App
1) Ask for the homeowner’s first and last name
2) Look up the homeowner’s name in Coperniq and confirm that they are one of our homeowners.
3) Ask the homeowner if they have Solar Edge or Enphase
4) Look up the homeowner’s name on the associated monitoring platform (SolarEdge or Enphase) and confirm that you found their system
5) Analyze the system by checking all devices and looking for any alerts/ errors
6) If there is an issue Inform the homeowner what’s going on with their system and let them know you’ll be putting in a High-Priority Ticket at no cost to them
7) Create a Coperniq project in O&M workflow -or- a Service Ticket for Active Projects
8) Let homeowner know that we will first try to troubleshoot the problem with SolarEdge/ Enphase. If we can’t find a remote solution we will be in touch with them about a date to schedule a site visit to further investigate the issue.
9) Let the homeowner know that you will be in touch as soon as you have an update
10) End call with close out question “Is there anything else I can assist you with? Okay, well thank you for calling and have a great day!”
Telemarketer calling to sell a product or service
These calls typically start out with the caller asking to speak to someone else in the company, especially higher ups. 9 times out of 10, this is an indication that they are calling to sell something like leads, printing services, and more. Once you’ve recognized these calls to be spam, the key is to get them off of the phone as soon as possible.
1) Ask what the call is regarding
2) If spam let them know we are not interested
3) Upon conclusion of the call, block the phone number on the Grasshopper app to prevent them from calling again.
From time to time these calls may be useful. If someone is calling from a major news outlet or from a major organization regarding a marketing opportunity, put them on hold and ask the Director of Marketing if they’d like to speak with the person. If the Director of Marketing isn’t available, take a message and be sure to pass it along. If the answer is ‘no’, be sure to block the number on the Grasshopper app so they don’t take up your time in the future.
Using Coperniq When Making Outbound Calls
Coperniq & Outbound Calls
Our primary CRM and operations software is called Coperniq. It hosts all of the information regarding a project and also is used as a scheduling tool. Understanding this software is extremely important, and you will see it very often throughout this training.

Using the Various Calendars
1) Using the “Schedule” button will bring you to the Master Calendar where you can see all scheduled appointments as well as all queued projects
2) In the Field Calendars section you will see various calendars that will give you a more precise view of certain appointments (ie.. Site survey, Inspections, Solar Service, etc…)

When looking at the calendar, anything marked in Yellow is unconfirmed and labeled as Pending Confirmation. All appointments/ site visits will be labeled as Pending Confirmation in Yellow until we receive confirmation from the homeowner.

Upon confirmation of an appointment the label will be changed to Appointment Confirmed in Green

Use the “Comments” section inside of the appointment profile that you are working on to keep better track of calls, homeowner requests, and updates; be sure to add notes as often as possible or when things need to be communicated to other team members.

To tag a team member use “@” and then write the team member’s name. This will tag them by sending them a notification that they have been mentioned in a project.